What drives us?

The forest ecosystem is an absolutely essential building block for achieving the Paris 1.5°C target. To achieve this, large areas in Germany must be reforested or converted in a climate-resilient manner in a timely manner. International climate standards have been designed for developing countries and are not applicable to German conditions.
New, sensible business models are needed to promote nature conservation and climate protection and to actively involve the private sector in climate protection.

Founder and Management Board

Alexander Zeihe
Head of Stakeholder & Communication

Rüdiger Meyer
Head of Projects & Certificates

Moriz Vohrer
Head of Standard & IT

If you want to go fast, then go alone. If you want to go far, go with others.

- African proverb

Stakeholders & communication

Denise Brauer
Investor Relations

Johannes Lehrer
Stakeholders & Politics

Projects & Certificates

Nisse Oberwalleney
Forest owner

Elias Raiser
Buyer & Dealer

Markus Mauelshagen
Forest owner

Standard & IT

Fabien Hiltebrandt

Daniel Rieck
IT & Development

Johannes Ruth

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