Category Archive: Forest Climate Standard

First conference of the Forest Climate Council

On Thursday, September 30, the German Advisory Council on Forests and Climate Change held its first meeting. This marked the start of the multi-stakeholder dialog on the development of the first German forest climate standard. The meeting was held virtually. Only at the next conference in Berlin will all participants have the opportunity to meet physically. In his opening speech, Alexander Zeihe, the [...]

Introduction to forest climate standards

At the first meeting of the Forest Climate Standard, Moriz Vohrer gave a brief introduction to the history of forest climate standards, as well as the most important issues and challenges that a forest climate standard must address. The development of emissions trading in the voluntary market was also considered, as well as its organization and structure

Workshop on the principles of the forest climate standard

One of the workshops of the first session was dedicated to presenting and discussing the first draft of the Forest Climate Standard principles. The workshops were not open to the public, but a graphic record was created summarizing the most important points. Later, there will be an opportunity to present the principles to the public in a public consultation [...].